Everything You Need to Know About Youtube in 2022

   Joel Brown

YouTube is the most popular video platform on the internet! And though it's a great place to pass the time watching cat videos’ – it’s also a game-changing marketing tool you can use to increase ROI.

Developing a robust YouTube marketing strategy is a must-have for your business to succeed in 2022. Luckily, we’ve broken down some of the most relevant YouTube data from the past 3 years.

Let's get started!

  • YouTube stats show that the platform has over 2 billion monthly active users (YouTube, 2021).
  • YouTube users spend an average of 19 minutes watching videos daily (Alexa, 2021).

This is a giant leap from YouTube stats in 2020, when users spent an average of 11 minutes on YouTube – a 72.3 percent increase.

  • Seventy-nine percent of internet users reportedly have a YouTube account (DataReportal, 2019).

YouTube’s user base has grown steadily over the years. One reason for its dominance as a video-sharing platform is accessibility. Nearly everyone can create a channel and publish videos on the platform, which explains its meteoric rise as the second-most popular website on the internet.

  • Mobile users make up the majority of YouTube’s demographic, with more than 70 percent of watch time coming from mobile devices (YouTube, 2019).
  • Fifty-five percent of marketers use YouTube as part of their digital marketing strategy (Social Media Examiner, 2021).

Having a YouTube digital marketing strategy can be transformative for your business. What’s surprising about this YouTube marketing stat is that an astounding 45 percent of marketers haven’t realized what it can achieve for their marketing strategy.

  • After seeing branded content on YouTube, 70 percent of viewers were convinced to purchase from that brand (Google, 2020).
  • According to YouTube trends, 50.9 percent of business-to-business (B2B) 
  • Sixty-two percent of U.S. businesses now use YouTube as a distribution channel for their video marketing strategy (Buffer, 2019).
  • According to YouTube statistics 2022, 20 percent of users will close a video if they aren’t hooked within the first 10 seconds (Advanced Web Ranking, 2018).

• YouTube is second only to Instagram as a popular platform for influencer marketing (MediaKix, 2019).

What do I do with all this new info?

YouTube is too big and powerful of a platform to not utilize and optimize! The info above is only the beginning! Call us today for a free consultation and let us catapult your business to unseen heights in 2022!



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